Great Books About Data Analysis

These are the books that I use as a daily reference. They are all openly accessible.


  • R for Data Science: An introduction to data analysis with R/Tidyverse by Hadley Wickham and Garret Grolemund.
  • Introduction to Data Science - A detailed introduction to Data science by the biostatistician Rafael A. Irizarry.
  • Advanced R - All you wish to know about programming in R by Hadley Wickham.
  • Introduction to Statistical Learning - A detailed introductio to modern statistical methods, implemented in R by Gareth James, Jeffrey Heer, Dominik Moritz, Jake VanderPlas, and Brock Craft, Trevor Hastie and Rob Tibshirani.
  • Text Mining in R Analyzing natural language and written text in R, by Julia Silge and David Robinson.
  • Tidy Modeling with R An introduction to the tools that compose R’s machine learning framework, by Max Kuhn and Julia Silge.
  • Analising Data Using Linear Models, for students in social, behavioural and management science, by Stéphanie M. van den Berg.


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