Unsupervised Learning - Explore your Data with PCA

Home | CBSER Summer School by Mawazo Institute


Otho Mantegazza

🚧 Work in Progress ⚠️

1 Introduction to Unsupervised Learning

1.1 References first

As always, references first, and my favorite references for unsupervised learning are:

There’s an additional reference that I really like, that explains Principal Components visually. Check it out!

1.2 Ok, but what is Unsupervised Learning?

Unsupervised learning might seem strange. To understand what “Unsupervised” means, let’s first take a step back and remember what we have learned about “supervised learning in the previous chapter. Then define what makes an”Unsupervised” learning process by comparison.

1.2.1 A quick recap about supervised learning

When we fit a supervised learning model, such as a linear regression model, we are looking for a function that is able to guess an outcome \(Y\) starting from the value of a series of predictors \(X_1, X_2, ..., X_n\); both the outcome variable \(Y\) and the predictor variables \(X_1, X_2, ..., X_n\) are already part of our data, before fit the model. When we do fit the model, we estimate parameters for the function that connects the outcome and the predictor. In the linear regression example, those parameters would be the slope and intercept of the regression line.

Once we have estimated those parameters, then we can then use statistical indicators to investigate if the model that we have selected and the parameters that we have estimated are convincingly explaining how \(Y\) responds to variations in the predictors \(X\). If they don’t, the model that we have selected might be inappropriate for capturing how the outcome responds to the predictors; or it might be that the outcome is not responding to changes in the predictor variables at all.

1.2.2 Let’s compare it to unsupervised learning

In supervised learning instead, we don’t have an outcome variable \(Y\), or we don’t care to look at it, thus the word “unsupervised”. We look only at a series of predictors \(X_1, X_2, ... X_n\), and we ask to ourselves: is there any interesting pattern in the predictor? Do they co-variate in interesting ways? Can we group them together in an insightful way judging from their covariance patterns?

Since we don’t have an outcome variable \(Y\) that we could use to test the performance of our model, there is no real way to tell if our unsupervised model is “good” or “bad”; if it is “successful” or not. The model will probably show us some pattern in the data; it’s up to us to further investigate those patterns to understand if they are useful and insightful, or not.

1.2.3 Examples of unsupervised learning methods

The unsupervised learning methods that you have probably already heard about are :

  • Clustering.
  • Principal Component Analysis.

You could also have heard the term dimension reduction as a synonym of unsupervised learning. This is a great term to describe it, since we often use those methods to reduce the dimensions (read: number of variables i.e. number of columns), of a complex multivariate dataset to a smaller, informative and more manageable subset or combination of them.

1.2.4 Examples of unsupervised learning questions

Thus, whem we apply unsupervised learning, we look at predictors variables, without an outcome. We might ask In which cases would such method be useful?

For example, we are measuring a range of pollutants in many samples of soil from selected areas around the world. In this setup, the pollutants are the variable/predictors of the data and each sample of soil is an observation. We want to know if there are groups of soils with similar combination of pollutants, to investigate their history, and their effects.

Or, similarly, we could use transcriptomics to measure gene expression in many samples of different tumors tissues. We want to look at those data to seek for patterns and understand if group of tumors have similar gene expression pattern. Again, we could use unsupervised learning to search for those patterns.

Coming back to the rice panicles dataset: The group that published the paper have measured many variables (predictors): rachis_length, primary_branch_length, primary_branch_number, secondary_branch_length, internode_length and so on. We might be interested to know if there are groups of rice accessions (observations) that share similar panicle features. For example, maybe there is an unexpected group of rice varieties with long secondary branches, short rachis, and few primary branches, or vice-versa.

Maybe we don’t know which pattern we are looking for, we just want to know if there are groups of rice varieties with similar panicle features, so that later we can investigate those features. If our data are multivariate, and they often are, it is unlikely that we will manage to explore all the combination of features visually, so we can seek for pattern in the data with unsupervised learning, such as PCA or clustering.

We will start with a dummy dataset, and later we will move to real life datasets suche as the rice panicles to demonstrate how to run and interpret PCA and hierarchical clustering in R.

2 Setup

2.1 R packages

Load the R packages needed to cover the examples in this chapter.


theme_update(axis.title = element_text(size = 15),
             axis.text = element_text(size = 15),
             strip.text = element_text(size = 15))

3 Principal Component Analysis

The Principal Component Analysis, abbreviated to PCA, is one of the most used Unsupervised Learning Techniques.

When we run a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), we take the variables in our dataset and we use them to estimate new variables that are a linear combination of the original ones. The new variable will be orthogonal, thus uncorrelated to each others, and are called the principal components.

In detail, the transformation that we perform to estimate the principal components, are rotations of the original axis of the data, in a way that the first principal components corresponds to the main axis of variation of the original data, the second component corresponds to the second main axis of variation, orthogonal to the first one, and so on until we have as many components as are the variable of the original dataset.

Given the hypothesis that the main axes of variation collect the signal available in the dataset, and that the axes of minor variation collect only noise, the rotations (loadings) and the values projected on the principal components (scores) can provide us with valuable insights about pattern that were hidden in the original dataset, and about how many dimension we need to encode those pattern.

Since the principal component are the axis of variation of the dataset, orderd by how much variance they explain, the first principal components store the main signal in the data, and the last store the noise.

Let’s go through a naive example before running a PCA on the rice dataset.

4 A Naive PCA Example on Synthetic Data

We generally use PCA to make sense of multidimensional (i.e. multivariate) datasets.

Instead, for demonstration sake, before dealing with a complex dataset, let’s start from a simple example with data in 2 dimension. We will use this data to demostrate of how the PCA works and how to interpret it.

Let’s draw an example from satellite imaging of cultivated fields. While plant leaves absorb blue and red light, they reflect green and IR light, Thus, satellite images of those fields will show strong reflection bands in both green and IR wavelengths.

Let’s imagine that we have collected a dataset in two dimensions, storing:

  • 2 variables: green and IR reflectance,
  • 2000 observations, that cover a rectangular grid over a vegetated area.

Both variables will basically be a function of the vegetation density, plus some “noise” coming from atmospheric disturbance, different plant composition or else. So we can safely assume that when we look at the IR and green reflection, we are not looking at two independent variables, but rather to a linear function of vegetation coverage. However, for the sake of demostration, let’s imagine that we don’t know that yet.

4.1 Generate the data

Let’s also assume that vegetation coverage is measured in a value ranging between 0 and 1. We can generate a vector that stores 100 numbers sampled randomly from a uniform distribution, that simulates vegetation coverage values between 0.3 and 1. Let’s call this vector veg, for vegetation.

size <- 100
noise <- .2
veg <- runif(size, min = 0.3, 1)

IR and green reflectance will both be a linear function of the vegetation coverage stored in veg, plus a small random noise.

reflectance <- 
    ir = veg*2 + rnorm(size, mean = 0, sd = noise),
    green = veg*1.3 + rnorm(size, mean = 0, sd = noise/2)

So, the reflectance dataset looks like this:

# A tibble: 100 × 2
      ir green
   <dbl> <dbl>
 1 1.58  1.16 
 2 1.31  0.551
 3 1.54  0.895
 4 0.788 0.565
 5 2.06  1.33 
 6 2.09  1.28 
 7 0.738 0.579
 8 0.660 0.465
 9 2.16  1.33 
10 2.02  1.05 
# … with 90 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

If we plot green vs. ir reflectance, we see right away that those two variables are correlated.

reflectance %>% 
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = green,
      y = ir) +
  geom_point(alpha = .6) +
  labs(title = "Reflectance")

Green and IR reflectance are correlated.

What if we want to describe how green and ir covariates through PCA?

4.2 Let’s run the PCA

To run the PCA, first we have to center the data at 0 and to scale them to z-scores.

This can be achieved with the function scale() from base R.

reflectance_scaled <- 
  reflectance %>%
  scale() %>%

We call as_tibble() after scale() because the scale function returns a matrix-like object, while for simplicity, we tend to work with tibble dataframes.

Let’s plot the centered and scaled data to see what they look like.

reflectance_scaled %>% 
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = green,
      y = ir) +
  geom_point(alpha = .6) +
  labs(title = "Reflectance, scaled")

Only the scale of the axes have changed.

We can see that now the two variables (ir and green reflectance) are both centered at zero and roughly in range (-2, 2). The scale of the variables has changed, but the main pattern in the data is unchanged.

Calling the function prcomp() we can run a principal component analysis on this dataset, and store the results in the object pca.

pca <- 
  reflectance_scaled %>% 

The ouput of prcomp() is a list with 5 elements in it:

  • sdesv: the standard deviation of each component.
  • rotation: the matrix of variable loading, indicating how the original dataset was rotated.
  • x: the projection of our original data on the principal components, which is a dataset that has the same dimensions of our original data (in this case 2x100).
  • center and scale, the center and scale used (if centering and scaling was performed before, they should approximate to 0).
[1] "prcomp"
[1] "list"
[1] "center"   "rotation" "scale"    "sdev"     "x"       

Let’s interpret the PCA results from an Exploratory Data Analysis point of view, and learn how to make use of each of those output.

4.3 Analytical interpretation of PCA results

When we run a principal component analysis, we hypothesize that main axes of variation of the original data, which is the first principal component, contains the signal, while the lower order components, contain the noise.

Let’s access the projection of the data on the two principal component, calling pca$x, and turn this matrix into a tibble to explore its content.

projections <-
  pca$x %>% 
# A tibble: 100 × 2
      PC1       PC2
    <dbl>     <dbl>
 1 -0.964  0.317   
 2  0.934 -0.749   
 3 -0.247 -0.257   
 4  1.68   0.0708  
 5 -2.08  -0.000405
 6 -2.03  -0.142   
 7  1.73   0.178   
 8  2.12   0.0185  
 9 -2.25  -0.137   
10 -1.35  -0.619   
# … with 90 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

The projection matrix x has the same size and dimension of the original dataset (2x100), the first column stores projections of original data on the first principal component PC1, while the second column stores the projections of original data on the second principal component PC2.

By definition the principal components are ordered by the standard deviation of the data projected on them, in decreasing order.


projections %>% 
    standard_deviation_PC1 = sd(PC1),
    standard_deviation_PC2 = sd(PC2)
# A tibble: 1 × 2
  standard_deviation_PC1 standard_deviation_PC2
                   <dbl>                  <dbl>
1                   1.36                  0.373

Since we have hypothesized that the first principal components stores the signal in the dataset, what happens if we plot it against the vector veg, which stores the original vegetation data?

signal <- 
  projections %>% 
  mutate(vegetation = veg) %>% 

signal %>% 
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = vegetation,
      y = PC1) +

The original vegetation vector and PC1 are highly similar.

Since the direction of the principal component is random, PC1 and the original vegetation vector are anti-correlated. Still their correlation modulus is very high, they just carry a reversed sign. They are almost the same data.

To observe this effect better. Let’s plot all the variables that we have used in this example against each other pairwise (vegetation, ir, green, PC1 and PC2).

signal %>% 
  relocate(vegetation, ir, green, PC1, PC2) %>% 
  GGally::ggpairs() +
  theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 10))

PC1 stores the signal, PC2 the noise.

  • The signal is more correlated to PC1 (r :-0.964) than to the simulated measurements ir (r: 0.909) and green (r: 0.952).

  • The signal is less correlated to PC2 (or no correlated at all to it) than ir and green .

4.4 Restoring the original data

All the information from the original (centered and scaled) data can be reconstructed from the principal components multiplying the projection matrix pca$x by the rotation matrix pca$rotation transposed.

(pca$x %*% t(pca$rotation)) %>% head()
             ir        green
[1,]  0.4572255  0.906185047
[2,] -0.1307839 -1.190181109
[3,]  0.3563863 -0.007648046
[4,] -1.2400005 -1.139834377
[5,]  1.4725321  1.471959522
[6,]  1.5330628  1.332772189
reflectance_scaled %>% as.matrix() %>% head()
             ir        green
[1,]  0.4572255  0.906185047
[2,] -0.1307839 -1.190181109
[3,]  0.3563863 -0.007648046
[4,] -1.2400005 -1.139834377
[5,]  1.4725321  1.471959522
[6,]  1.5330628  1.332772189

4.5 Learning points

Applying a principal component analysis we have shown that the ir and green channel are basically a linear function of the same variable plus noised. So, even if ir and green are represented as a dataset in two dimensions (two variables), it could be approximated to a dataset in one dimension.

Moreover, the PCA has denoised our data, and it had stored the signal in PC1 and the noise PC2.

5 PCA on the Palmer Penguins Dataset

We can run a PCA on the Palmer Penguins dataset to learn how many variables do we need to capture most of the variation in that dataset, and to learn if by reducing its dimension, we can learn something variables on the population of penguins that are taken into consideration.

Having already loaded the dataset with library(palmerpenguins) at the beginning of this chapter, we can start exploring the data, available in the R environment in the object penguins.

# A tibble: 344 × 8
   species island    bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_…¹ body_…² sex    year
   <fct>   <fct>              <dbl>         <dbl>      <int>   <int> <fct> <int>
 1 Adelie  Torgersen           39.1          18.7        181    3750 male   2007
 2 Adelie  Torgersen           39.5          17.4        186    3800 fema…  2007
 3 Adelie  Torgersen           40.3          18          195    3250 fema…  2007
 4 Adelie  Torgersen           NA            NA           NA      NA <NA>   2007
 5 Adelie  Torgersen           36.7          19.3        193    3450 fema…  2007
 6 Adelie  Torgersen           39.3          20.6        190    3650 male   2007
 7 Adelie  Torgersen           38.9          17.8        181    3625 fema…  2007
 8 Adelie  Torgersen           39.2          19.6        195    4675 male   2007
 9 Adelie  Torgersen           34.1          18.1        193    3475 <NA>   2007
10 Adelie  Torgersen           42            20.2        190    4250 <NA>   2007
# … with 334 more rows, and abbreviated variable names ¹​flipper_length_mm,
#   ²​body_mass_g
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

5.1 Categorical and Numerical Variables

The penguins dataset is made of both numerical and categorical variables.

The nunerical varibles are:

penguins %>% select(where(~is.numeric(.))) %>% names()
[1] "bill_length_mm"    "bill_depth_mm"     "flipper_length_mm"
[4] "body_mass_g"       "year"             

And the other variables are catergorical:

penguins %>% select(where(~!is.numeric(.))) %>% names()
[1] "species" "island"  "sex"    

Since year is a variable recorded at a really low resolution, providing little detail on the penguin under study, I’d rather treat it as a categorical variable, and exlude it from the PCA.

penguins %>% count(year)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
   year     n
  <int> <int>
1  2007   110
2  2008   114
3  2009   120

If we run a PCA on the numerical variables, then we can learn how the categorical variables associated to each data point is distributed along the each principal component.

5.2 Run the PCA

We can isolate the numerical variable, drop the missing values and run the PCA as we did in the previous section.

penguins_num <- 
  penguins %>% 
  select(where(~is.numeric(.))) %>% 
  select(-year) %>% 
penguins_pca <- 
  penguins_num %>% 
  scale() %>%

The PCA of the penguins dataset is now stored in the object penguins_pca.

5.3 Dimesnionality

Just by printing the penguins_pca object we can get important information:

Standard deviations (1, .., p=4):
[1] 1.6594442 0.8789293 0.6043475 0.3293816

Rotation (n x k) = (4 x 4):
                         PC1          PC2        PC3        PC4
bill_length_mm     0.4552503 -0.597031143 -0.6443012  0.1455231
bill_depth_mm     -0.4003347 -0.797766572  0.4184272 -0.1679860
flipper_length_mm  0.5760133 -0.002282201  0.2320840 -0.7837987
body_mass_g        0.5483502 -0.084362920  0.5966001  0.5798821

For example we can see the first principal component has a standard deviation that’s almost double the one of the second principal component (1.66 against 0.88), hinting that one dimension can explain most of the variation in the penguins dataset.

Moreover, we can see that the loadings on the first principal component are similar for all variables but bill_depth_mm, which has an inverse sign.

5.4 More

  • One dimension most variation, influenced by all variables.
  • Gentoo most different group.
  • Second PC about bill length and depth.
  • Most different along second PC is Chinstrap.

6 PCA on the Rice Varieties Dataset

We will keep working on the rice dataset.

rice <-  
           '/mawazo-summer-school/main/data-int/rice.csv') %>% 
  read_delim(delim = ';') %>% 

# define colors
rice_colors <- 
  c(Or = '#b5d4e9',
    Os = '#1f74b4',
    Ob = '#c0d787',
    Og = '#349a37')
rice_simple <- 
  rice %>% 

rice_simple %>% 
  select(species, rachis_length_rl_in_cm:spikelet_number_sp_n) %>% 
  mutate(species = paste(species, 1:n())) %>% 
  column_to_rownames('species') %>% 
  mutate_all(~scales::rescale(., to = c(0,1), from = range(.))) %>% 
  dist() %>% 
  hclust() %>% 

rice_simple %>% 
  select(species, rachis_length_rl_in_cm:spikelet_number_sp_n) %>% 
  mutate(species = paste(species, 1:n())) %>% 
  column_to_rownames('species') %>% 
  mutate_all(~scales::rescale(., to = c(0,1), from = range(.))) %>% 
  as.matrix() %>% 

rice_pc <- 
  rice %>% 
  select(species, rachis_length_rl_in_cm:spikelet_number_sp_n) %>% 
  mutate(species = paste(species, 1:n())) %>% 
  column_to_rownames('species') %>% 
  # mutate_all(~scales::rescale(., to = c(0,1), from = range(.))) %>% 
  prcomp(center = T, scale = T)

rice_pc_data <- 
  rice_pc %>% 
  augment() %>% 

rice_pc_data %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = .fittedPC1,
             y = .fittedPC2,
             colour = species)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_manual(values = rice_colors)


rice_pc$rotation %>% 
  as.data.frame() %>% 
  rownames_to_column(var = 'measurement') %>% 
               names_to = 'component',
               values_to = 'rotation') %>% 
  filter(component %in% c('PC1', 'PC2')) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(y = measurement,
             x = rotation)) +
  geom_col() +
  facet_grid(rows = vars(component)) 

6.1 Exercise