About R

Otho Mantegazza

Quick history of R

The R Project for Statistical Computing


  • Started in 1991 by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland (NZ).
  • Made open source in 1995.
  • Official “peer reviewed” packages are hosted on CRAN.
  • Has multiple “universes” of packages, including Bioconductor dedicated to bioinformatics, and the Tidyverse for Data Science.
  • Great for analyzing data, for statistics, for research and for communicating data to others.

A bit more on R

  • We are going to use the Tidyverse. But you might have to learn also a bit of the original idiom, now called base R, which sometimes helps if you have to programm your own functions.
  • We are going to use R in visual studio code as you did for Python, but you might want to try out also Rstudio, which is a great open source IDE dedicated to R.


As always, stackoverflow is your friend

If you need help, as always, Google and Stackoverflow are your friends.

But sometimes you need to learn on a support that is structured, nuanced and detailed… 📚

A helpful and welcoming community 📚

One of the things that makes R great is its community of users and programmer.

It is open source and open access oriented and highly dedicated to lowering the barrier to learning R and data science, and make their tools available and usable to everyone.

Open Books

Bookdown: a package and a repository for open access books about R.

Open Books

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Slack Spaces


Collaborative Challenges

  • Tidytuesday Tidy and visualize a dataset and share your results with the R community every week on Tuesday.